Summer Water Source Information
Collecting & Filtering Stream Water for Drinking
The list by hut below provides approximate locations of nearby streams where guests collect water for drinking. It is the hut customer’s responsibility to filter the water they collect. FILTERS ARE NOT PROVIDED – DON’T FORGET TO BRING YOUR OWN! If you don’t have a filter, boil stream water on the hut’s propane burners. If your group is driving a support vehicle consider bringing your own water.
A Note About Water Filter Use: In order to minimize contamination of the plastic water jugs from the dirty end of your filter, we ask you to transfer the unfiltered water into one of the hut’s cooking pots – which are easier to clean – and filter from the cooking pot into your own clean containers. When you are done filtering your water please wipe down the metal pot and allow it to air-dry.
All huts* have large plastic water jugs or pails to transport water from the stream to the hut. Many huts have water-carrying backpacks (see below for availability by hut). Some water sources are shallow and the collection jug probably can’t be submerged, so in addition to the water-carrying pack, we suggest bringing a small pot or water bottle to help transfer stream water into the jugs.
*Shrine Mountain Inn (Jay’s, Chuck’s and Walter’s) and the High Lonesome Hut are the only properties with potable, hot and cold running water. Guests may drink the water from the kitchen and bathroom sinks at these huts right from the tap!
Using Cistern Water for Cleaning
Many huts have hand pumps in the kitchen sink that dispense water from various types of cisterns. The suggested use of cistern water is for cleaning only unless stated below. Availability of cistern water depends on precipitation and conservation by previous users, and could be completely dry.
Summer Water Source Information – By Hut
10th Mountain Division Hut
- Water Source Location: A stream flowing southeast from Slide Lake can be accessed on the east side of the hut or down the Slide Lake Road approximately ½ mile. There is also a small stream feeding the marshy meadow directly west of hut. Bring your own filter.
- Water-Carrying Backpack: Available at hut.
- Cistern: Hand pump in kitchen dispenses water from cistern filled with roof-catchment system (suggested use of cistern water is for cleaning only).
Betty Bear Hut
- Water Source Location: There is a small stream approximately 100 meters from the hut, down the access road, between the hut and the gate. This stream flows from Lily Pad Lake. If the stream is not flowing, the next closest source is Lily Pad Lake, located ¼ mile east of the hut via FS Road 527. Bring your own filter.
- Water-Carrying Backpack: Available at hut.
- Cistern: Betty Bear has a storage tank (similar to a cistern), located above the stairs to the living area and a spigot at the kitchen sink (suggested use of tank water is for cleaning only).
Broome Hut
- Water Source Location/Cistern: Hand pump in kitchen dispenses water from cistern filled with roof-catchment system. Unlike cistern water at many other huts, this non-potable water can be used for drinking if filtered. Bring your own filter. The backup summer water source is the headwaters of First Creek, a short, steep walk behind the hut. Bring your own filter.
- Water-Carrying Backpack: Not available at this hut, but there are collapsable plastic containers for transporting water.
Continental Divide Cabin
- Water Source Location/Cistern: Hand pump in kitchen dispenses water from a well-fed cistern. Unlike cistern water at many other huts, this water can be used for drinking if filtered. Bring your own filter.
- Water-Carrying Backpack: Not available at hut.
Eiseman Hut
- Water Source Location: Stream water runs from a pipe on the East side of FS Road 719, approximately ¾ mile below the hut. Bring your own filter.
- Water-Carrying Backpack: Available at hut.
- Cistern: Hand pump in kitchen dispenses water from cistern filled with roof-catchment system (suggested use of cistern water is for cleaning only).
Emmelyn Hut
- Water Source Location: The closest water source is East Tennessee Creek, which is approximately 1 mile below the hut on FS Road 102. Bring your own filter.
- Water-Carrying Backpack: Not available at hut.
- Cistern: Hand pump in kitchen dispenses water from cistern filled with roof-catchment system (suggested use of cistern water is for cleaning only).
Fowler-Hilliard Hut
- Water Source Location: The most reliable water source is Resolution Creek, which flows southwest next to FS Road 702 approximately 2.5 miles from the hut. There are two small springs along FS Road 751 towards Ptarmigan Pass closer to the hut, but these springs will probably not be running by mid to late summer or in dry years. Bring your own filter.
- Water-Carrying Backpack: Available at hut.
- Cistern: Hand pump in kitchen dispenses water from cistern filled with roof-catchment system (suggested use of cistern water is for cleaning only).
Francie’s Cabin
- Water Source Location: Water is available from a creek 50’ north of the cabin. This creek is not a guaranteed water source, especially in the fall. The next closest water source is Crystal Creek 250 yards south of the hut. Bring your own filter.
- Water-Carrying Backpack: None. Francie’s water source is quite close to the cabin; labeled pails are provided to carry water.
- Cistern: None.
Harry Gates Hut
- Water Source Location: There are two water sources for this hut. One is approximately ½ mile south of the hut on the Burnt Mountain Road (FS Road 507), where the road turns west. If you go under the power lines, you have gone too far. The stream is on the east side of the road. You will find a small path leading down from the road and a pipe at the stream to help fill water jugs. The other source is from Lime Creek at Lime Creek Canyon, approximately 1 ½ miles north/northwest of the hut on the FS Road 507. Bring your own filter.
- Water-Carrying Backpack: Available at hut.
- Cistern: None.
High Lonesome Hut
- High Lonesome Hut has potable, hot and cold running water in the kitchen and bathroom. Guests may drink the water right from the taps.
Jackal Hut
- Water Source Location: Ranch Creek Spring is the closest source and is located about 2 miles southwest of the hut on FS Road 755. Bring your own filter.
- Water-Carrying Backpack: Available at hut.
- Cistern: Hand pump in kitchen dispenses water from cistern filled with roof-catchment system (suggested use of cistern water is for cleaning only).
Janet’s Cabin
- Water Source Location: Guller Creek, located just above the cabin, is the closest summer water source. Bring your own filter.
- Water-Carrying Backpack: None. Janet’s water source is quite close to the cabin; labeled pails are provided to carry water.
- Cistern: None.
Margy’s Hut
- Water Source Location: The water source is located ¼ mile North of the hut along FS Road 526, where there is a small spring-fed pond just west of the road. Bring your own filter.
- Water-Carrying Backpack: Available at hut.
- Cistern: None.
Peter Estin Hut
- Water Source Location/Cistern: Peter Estin has a unique outdoor hand pump that dispenses water from a spring-fed cistern (there is no pump in the kitchen). Unlike cistern water at many other huts, this water can be used for drinking if filtered. Bring your own filter.
- Water-Carrying Backpack: Available at hut.
Point Breeze Cabin
- Water Source Location/Cistern: Hand pump in kitchen dispenses water from a well-fed cistern. Unlike cistern water at many other huts, this water can be used for drinking if filtered. Bring your own filter.
- Water-Carrying Backpack: Not available at hut.
Polar Star Inn
- Water Source Location: Polar Star has a unique spring-fed hydrant that dispenses water into the kitchen sink. Unlike cistern water at many other huts, this water can be used for drinking if filtered. Water is not guaranteed at the sink, and jugs are provided which can be filled from an exterior hydrant, also spring fed. Bring your own filter.
- Water-Carrying Backpack: TBD
- Cistern: TBD
Seipel Hut
- Water Source Location: Seipel Hut has a unique spring-fed hydrant that dispenses water into the kitchen sink. Unlike cistern water at many other huts, this water can be used for drinking if filtered. Water is not guaranteed at the sink, and jugs are provided which can be filled from an exterior hydrant, also spring fed. Bring your own filter.
- Water-Carrying Backpack: TBD
- Cistern: TBD
Shrine Mountain Inn (Jay’s, Chuck’s and Walter’s Cabins)
- All cabins at Shrine Mountain Inn have potable, hot and cold running water in all kitchens and bathrooms. Guests may drink the water right from the taps.
Sangree M. Froelicher Hut
- Water Source Location: The closest water to the hut is from two small streams accessed by traveling approximately ½ mile SW from the hut on the summer/winter hut access trail. Additionally, water is available from the stream in Buckeye Gulch, either by descending approximately 700′ in elevation below the hut, or by contouring north from the hut to where the stream leaves Buckeye Lake. Bring your own filter.
- Water-Carrying Backpack: Available at hut.
- Cistern: Hand pump in kitchen dispenses water from cistern filled with roof-catchment system (suggested use of cistern water is for cleaning only).
Skinner Hut
- Water Source Location: There is a pipe from a spring approximately 2 miles down the Hagerman Pass Road (FS Road 105) towards Turquoise Lake. Traveling further down the road could be necessary in late summer or in especially dry years. Bring your own filter.
- Water-Carrying Backpack: Available at hut.
- Cistern: Hand pump in kitchen dispenses water from cistern filled with roof-catchment system (suggested use of cistern water is for cleaning only).
Uncle Bud’s Hut
- Water Source Location/Cistern: Hand pump in kitchen dispenses water from a well-fed cistern. Unlike cistern water at many other huts this water can be used for drinking if filtered. There is also a stream west of the hut near the Bear Lake Trailhead parking and Colorado Trail access. Bring your own filter.
- Water-Carrying Backpack: Available at hut.
Vance’s Cabin
- Water Source Location: There is no nearby stream. Although not open earlier in the summer, guests staying in September, October and November must bring their own water until enough snow accumulates to melt. Bring your own filter.
- Water-Carrying Backpack: Not available at hut.
- Cistern: TBD