Can I bring my dog on the hut trip?
Jenifer Blomquist
August 7, 2023
Dogs are not permitted on summer or winter hut trips, nor are dogs allowed in or around huts except legitimate service animals as defined by the ADA. Emotional support, comfort dogs, or companion dogs do not qualify as service animals and are not permitted at the huts*. Dogs present a serious health hazard because winter hut visitors melt snow for water at most of the huts, some hut visitors are allergic to dogs, and dogs can harass wildlife around the huts. Failure to abide by this policy can result in fines up to $1,000. 10th Mountain and the US Forest Service takes this policy very seriously and asks that hut visitors help encourage compliance.
10th Mountain fully supports and encourages the use of legitimate service animals for individuals with disabilities on trips to the huts provided such use does not fundamentally alter the nature of the backcountry hut experience for current and future hut visitors. See 10th Mountain’s Service Animal Policy for more details. Please note that legitimate service animals may be encountered at the huts at any time.
*An exception to this policy is the High Lonesome Hut which allows any and all dogs, is owned and operated privately, requires whole hut reservations, and provides water from a well, not snowmelt. If your group brings a dog to High Lonesome Hut, please respect the maintenance crew and the next guests by not allowing your dog onto the beds or furniture. We suggest you bring a dog bed if your companion needs a padded refuge. Thank you.
These other Colorado huts and yurts may allow dogs. Be sure to contact them before booking to learn about their current policies:
Blue Lakes Hut (San Juan Huts) 970-626-3033
Bull of the Woods Yurt (SW Nordic Center) 575-758-4761
Burn Hut (San Juan Huts) 970-626-3033
Colorado Trail Friends Yurt (Hinsdale Haute Route) 970-944-2269
Emma Yurt (Leadville Backcountry) 719-486-0092
Grays & Torreys Hut (Owner Operated) 303-807-0420
Jon Wilson Memorial Yurt (Hinsdale Haute Route) 970-944-2269
Last Dollar Hut (San Juan Huts) 970-626-3033
Lost Wonder Hut (Owner Operated) info@lostwonderhut.com
Marceline Yurt (Leadville Backcountry) 719-486-0092
North Pole Hut (San Juan Huts) 970-626-3033
Opus Hut (Owner Operated) 970-708-0092
Pass Creek Yurt (Wolf Creek Backcountry) 970-731-2486
Pearl Lakes Yurt (CO Parks & Wildlife) 970-879-3922
Phoenix Ride Yurt (Owner Operated) 303-565-6787
Ridgeway Hut (San Juan Huts) 970-626-3033
Snow Survey Cabin (US Forest Service) 307-326-5258
Tundra Hut (Owner Operated) 303-279-4759