Hut to Hut/Skinner Hut to Betty Bear Hut

Total Mileage


Trailhead Elevation


Cumulative Elevation Gain


Cumulative Elevation Loss



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Route Description

HUT TO HUT distances are usually longer than from trailhead to hut. Use winter specific topographic maps. Routes between huts are not often used so may not be tracked; navigation and breaking trail may be particularly challenging.

This is the standard connection between the Skinner Hut and Betty Bear Hut. Travel the suggested route west along the ridge for 1/4 mile until you get onto Hagerman pass road and follow it as it climbs to the summit of Hagerman Pass. Take the road down the west side of the pass for 1/4 mile to 11,800 feet. Leave the road here and take a dropping traverse southest to the Hagerman Tunnel portal (11,520 feet). Follow a snow-covered road southwest then west from the portal as it traverses around the head of the drainage to an open saddle at 11,400 feet. Continue west from the saddle downhill 1 mile to Lily Pad Lake. Ski northwest along the west side of the lake, then swing west for 1/8 mile through timber to Betty Bear Hut at 11,100 feet.

Much of this route is at or above timberline. Be ready for limited visibility due to storm and wind.

Locations of Observed or Reported Avalanche Activity: No avalanche activity has been reported along this suggested route.
